Questions To Ask Yourself When You’re Stuck In Life

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This post is all about the best questions to ask yourself if you’re feeling lost about your life and are struggling to find a purpose. These are great questions to reflect on, journal over, or even ask other people.

This image is of Rachel Eileen via


When I started my freshman year of college, I was feeling really lost. I didn’t have a clear idea of what I wanted to study, or even why I chose the college I chose!

In fact, I was so excited about being in a new city and living on my own that I didn’t really take the time to consider the reason for why I chose to go to college in the first place! 

Over time, this started to boil up and really started to leave me unhappy in the space that I was in. I had no motivation, no reason to do well in school, and I was struggling to make deep friendships that brought me fulfillment.

By the end of my freshman year, I decided I was going to drop out. 

I didn’t think I was ever going to come back!

But after reflecting and taking a year off school, I have chosen to go back to college and I am in a much better place now! I feel motivated, am making deep and personal friendships, and have a ton of new hobbies and goals.

These are the best questions I asked myself during this year, and still check in with myself with.


My Recommendations For This Exercise

I would recommend grabbing a journal and carefully writing down your answers to each of these questions. Free write, and don’t be afraid to go into heavy detail, you can always tuck this away or get rid of it afterwards. No one is going to read it. 

After you finish answering each of these questions, read them over. What are common themes? What do you want to change about your life? What did you learn from this exercise?

If you’re looking for an exercise you can complete everyday or looking to add more healthy habits to your routine, I love using journals and being active about my goals. This mindfulness journal is really great and can really help you refocus and center yourself each day.


Now, onto the questions!


What do you want your life to look like 5 years from now? 10? 15? 


What do you need in your life to make that happen?


What actionable steps can you start taking right now in order to achieve this goal years down the line?


What are things you’ve always wanted to do but have been too scared to do, or couldn’t make the time for?


How can you rearrange your day to allow you to start partaking in this new hobby?


What things in your life are eating up your time? 


How can you reduce or eliminate those things?


What does your daily routine look like right now? How can you adjust that to incorporate a new hobby or work towards your long term goals?


What are you struggling with in your life right now? How can you make that less of a stressor?


Are there books or other resources regarding that topic you might find some clarity in?


How are the people in your life behaving? How is their outlook on life? Is this a person you’d want to be more or less like?


How can you check in with yourself today?


This post was all about the best questions to ask yourself when you’re feeling lost or stuck in life. I hope you find these helpful and reflect on them more in the future!

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