How To Find Motivation To Get To The Gym Everyday

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This post is all about how to create healthy habits at the gym and the best tips and tricks to change your body and life through loving fitness!
This image is of a bar at a gym with weights on it and shoes

I love love love the gym! And I have a ton of motivation to get to the gym everyday.

But I didn’t used to.

When I first started working out I would only go a few times a week, and I was really intimidated! I also had no motivation to get to the gym everyday.

I had to drag myself out of my room, and would just think and think and think about who was gonna be there, what they were going to think of my outfit, what exercises to do, how to even do the exercises, and more!

It was hard!

But now, I love going to the gym, I make new friends there all the time, I happily go six days a week and wish I could go on the seventh! Plus – I am seeing progress in my strength and body.

Learning to love any new thing you are trying to do takes time, and you have to find what works for you.

With the gym, I am so so flexible on my workouts to match how my body is feeling that day, and I do that to be kind to my body and to keep it as a space I really enjoy going to each day!

There are a couple things that are pivotal in gaining the confidence to go to the gym, learn, and love your time there, and I’ve listed them all here.


#1 – Create a routine that brings you motivation to get to the gym

Before you even get to the gym you need to have a routine that helps solidify going to the gym as a new habit in your life.

For me, I started off by really looking forward to getting to drink my protein shake everyday, or juicing fresh fruits and vegetables before I left for the gym. By looking forward to a positive thing associated with the gym, I started teaching my brain that this is something to be excited about each day!

They say half the battle is showing up – and if you can just show up five or six days a week the rest will come with time and experience.

You can do things like setting your outfit out the night before as part of your routine, making a protein shake, or having a designated gym playlist!

For me, I love planning out my outfit – I am a huge fan of shorts and a cute top that I will throw a baggy T over and tuck in to complete the look. With the baggy T shirt, I can choose whether to take it off depending on how I am feeling that day. A shirt like this one on amazon is perfect and wont break the bank. This is also a perfect time to dig around for old shirts in your closet or head to the local thrift store.

#2 – Start with exercises your comfortable with

Gym anxiety is a whole nother level of anxiety. I get it!

I started off only on machines I knew, I didn’t make much progress strength wise because I was so limited and I had no idea what I was doing, but making it a space where you feel comfortable is the first step!

And honestly, the real results come from getting to the gym everyday, no matter how hard you train. So finding things that motivate you can really change the game.

With time, you’ll be able to add in a new exercise and your routines will change, but until you feel ready, stick to what you know. If you don’t know anything, watch other people! Copy their exercises and ask them how to do them if you feel up to it.

Most people in the gym are super friendly and always willing to help – they love working out and want to share that with others.



#3 – Start to build a community

As I made friends at my gym, I only wanted to go more!

I love getting to the gym, having people to wave or go say hi to, and ask for help when I need it. Some of these friends may even become friends outside of the gym (cause honestly, we all know making friends as an adult is really hard)

These new found friends also give you a little extra motivation at the gym, to get you going back every day and pushing yourself more while you are there.

There are a couple ways I like to meet people.

My favorite way is in the sauna. The sauna at my gym is busy! Sitting in there and just saying hi, and asking about someone’s workout or complimenting someone is the best way to start up a conversation, then, next time you see them at the gym you can go up and say hello! 

The hardest part of that is breaking the silence. I usually ask whoever is in there if I can put some essential oils on the wood and that almost always gets the conversation going. I love love this pack and bring them with me whenever I head to the gym. They smell strong, are super portable, and the lids close well (aka no leaks in your gym bag!)



I also meet people by asking them for help on various exercises. Sometimes they help you and then head off on their way, but often people will stay and chat and you can build a community through that. Either way – you got help with the exercises, so what’s the worst that can happen?

You can always start with the front desk too! They literally have to say hi to you! It’s a perfect way to ask them about their day and start a quick conversation. 

Remember – the more people you know the more comfortable you will be in any new space! You’ll also have access to a wide span of knowledge through each of them!


#4 – Pick something you can add in you really look forward to

My biggest gym motivation is the sauna. I LOVE the sauna.

Saunas have crazy health benefits, but besides that I love the calming feeling I get in there. Even on the car ride home I feel more focused and calm than ever. Sometimes I go to my gym just to sauna then leave!

If you aren’t a fan of saunas, you could make time to stretch and decompress a part of your routine you look forward to ending your workout with. Doing some light yoga is super relaxing and will benefit your training as you get more flexible. 

Remember, you don’t have to train really intensely if you don’t want to! I don’t love feeling like my legs are going to give out every day, so I don’t train like that. And guess what?

I still see progress

So, find what works for you, build your community, find things to love about it until you’ve learn to love the not so fun parts, and be proud of yourself each and every day. Showing up is the most important part!

With love, Rachel

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