Books To Read In Your 20s That Will Change Your Life

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This post is all about the most life changing and motivational books to read if your in your 20’s or if your just looking for some good reading recommendations!


open book in lap



Yay! What a fun post to write about. I love talking about my favorite books to read and recommend to people, so thank you for reading this!

When I was little, I was a total bookworm. I loved reading anything and everything I could get a hand on and would get completely lost in the worlds those novels created in my mind. I loved it so much I would even walk and read on my way to my next class in middle school. Then high school hit.

Sadly enough, (and like so many others I know) I completely lost my love for reading and spent all the way up until my last few months of being 19 being basically against reading. Now in my 20th year, I’ve been slowly learning to love it again.

Nowadays I read different books than when I was little, but these ones are just lovely and really relevant to my life.

I read a lot of books about business, finance, meditation, and awe inspiring stories from amazing people who have lived incredible lives.

Anyways, here are a couple of my favorite books to read in your 20s. (or even if you’re not).



#1 The Third Door by Alex Banayan

If you’re looking for just one books to read in your 20s, this is it.

This is my favorite book of this year so far. Not kidding.

Not only is the story and the lessons deep, engaging, and valuable, but Alex also writes incredibly well.

His tone matches the feeling the book gives you and is engaging enough to keep you wanting to read more while not being overbearing.

The book is about Alex’s journey of finding himself (really) but through incredibly successful people like Bill Gates and Lady Gaga.

Alex was in college when he hacked The Price is Right and used his gameshow winnings to fund his journey to interview some of the worlds most successful people. Then, he write about each one, how he got there, and what changed for him and lessons to take away.

Its a incredibly fun read and super motivating for anyone looking to do and be more.

#2 – Lifespan by David A. Sinclair

If you’re looking for a good book to read about health, food and lifestyle, this is the one. This is the book that helped me redefine healthy and really got me thinking about my daily habits and their impact on my long term health. These reasons alone make it number 2 for my top books to read in your 20s.

I actually read this in one of my most messy moments of life – trying to juggle everything I had going on but still feeling lost. This book paired with my favorite journaling questions completely changed the game for me.

David talks about his own research on why we age and what we can take away from what we already know.

Eating right, hot and cold exposure, and exercise all are great for us, and David Sinclair breaks each one down more into the why and helps to take the mystery out of each one. In turn, really understanding what’s happening motivates me more to do a little better each day than just following a trend without understanding it.

If you’re working on improving your health or want to learn more about aging, this is the book for you.

David A. Sinclair has also talked about a lot of this stuff on various podcasts if you prefer to get the info that way – trust me, either way, its worth it.


#3 – The 8 Rules of Love by Jay Shetty

If you’re a dating in your 20s or even in a relationship or remotely interesting in love and life and how to live it better – you need this book to read. Now.

Jay Shetty does an incredible job of breaking down every piece of your relationships with yourself and other and will literally help make you a better partner.

He starts off working on the basics of loving yourself then moves into working through issues, loving others, and breaking everything down so you can really get to know yourself and try to better understand your partners or peers as you go about life with them.

So, if you’re dating or doing literally anything else, this book will help you. It would be a really amazing book to read with your partner as well.



#4 – Obit by Jim Sheeler

When I got this book, I did not know what I was getting into. I thought it was cool stories of people who did cool stuff, and it is, but all the people have passed away.

Jim Sheeler write obituaries, so this book is heartbreaking but light enough you will laugh while crying about it.

The stories are usually just a few pages long and give you a glimpse into a different life and the people who surrounded them.

If you want to cry, laugh, and really get to thinking about life – this is your next book.


#5 – Still Running by Vanessa Zuisei Goddard

Now, warning.

If you don’t run, its okay. This book can be just as easily applied to any activity in life. Personally, I don’t run regularly enough to call myself a runner (even if I wish I was) and I found a lot of value in this book

Goddard takes her years as a monk and lessons she’s learned over her time in Buddhism and helps you apply these practices to your daily life with stories and exercises.

She really hones in on finding more energy, being present, and being aware of yourself. I found a lot of benefit with my ability to focus after this read and these exercises.

So if you’re a runner, this book is amazing, and if you’re not, you will still find it super applicable.


Thanks for checking these out and reading this post! This guide to books to read in your 20s have all made a huge impact on my own life and I hope they will help you in your personal journey. Feel free to save this post in your browser to come back to, pin these books, and share!


This post was all about the best inspirational and life changing books to reading your 20s, but also at any age!


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